PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia Achieves idAA Stable Outlook Rating On Operational Performance in 2023

28 Jun 2024
PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (PT KBI), which is a member of the Danareksa BUMN Holding, has completed the 2023 Financial Year General Shareholders Meeting in Jakarta on Friday (28/06). PT KBI recorded positive performance throughout the 2023 period, this achievement was further confirmed by achieving the idAA Stable Outlook rating, which means that PT KBI is a company in a healthy condition. 
The President Director of PT KBI, Budi Susanto, said that this achievement was the result of the commitment of PT KBI and its subsidiary PT Kliring Trading Berjangka Indonesia (PT KPBI) to continue to maintain the company's operational performance optimally.
"This achievement is an achievement for us, and of course we will continue to maintain it. As a commodity clearing and guarantee institution that has been given a mandate by the government, we are committed to maintaining the company's condition so that it continues to be in prime condition and also contributing to the development of the futures trading ecosystem, warehouse receipt system, and commodity auction market," said Budi.
The idAA Stable Outlook results achieved by PT KBI are a stand-alone rating and final rating¸ where PT KBI recorded zero debt, which means that PT KBI is a stable company, able to run its business independently, able to provide sustainable profits, and has the trust of its stakeholders. 
Meanwhile, throughout January-December 2023, PT KBI continues to improve the performance of its business line services through 4 (four) main systems with almost 24 hour trading days, namely SITNa and the Derivative Clearing System (SKD) for Commodity Futures Trading (PBK), IS-Ware Next Gen to support the Warehouse Receipt System (SRG), and Tin Market for the Commodity Auction Market (PLK). Through system performance, PT KBI has recorded at least 7.6 million futures contracts and 213 thousand derivative contracts at PBK. Issuing 483 Warehouse Receipts totaling 61.5 million kg and worth IDR 971.9 Trillion. Also, for warehouse receipt financing, PT KBI has recorded a financing value of IDR 626.7 billion from all institutions. From PLK, foreign pure tin ingot transactions reached 46,284.98 tons with a value of $1,174 trillion and domestic tin transactions amounted to 2,154 tons with a value of IDR 1,543 trillion. 
Budi said that 2023 will be a transitional condition for the pandemic. In this phase, rapid technological transformation and tactical operations are needed to keep up with the market and this need can be mitigated by PT KBI and PT KPBI well. The cyber threat landscape continues to evolve rapidly along with continued technological innovation and global geopolitical volatility.
"Furthermore, PT KBI will focus on improving system performance to support the warehouse receipt business and physical commodity markets, as well as maintaining strengthening penetration of existing business lines," he said.
At the GMS, the shareholders also approved the composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, which is expected to contribute to improving the company's performance and making PT KBI's transformation steps a success.

Composition of Commissioners and Directors of PT KBI in 2024

Board of Commissioners
Main Commissioner: Hernawan B Sasongko
Independent Commissioner: Mr. Egy Massadiah
Independent Commissioner: Irman Sahroni Ahmad

Board of Directors
Main Director: Mr Budi Susanto
Director of Finance and Risk Management: Adiyasa Suhadibroto
Director of Business Development and Operations: Saidu Solihin

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